You’ve heard it before….

“Do you have a list?”

“Are you collecting emails at your events?”

“The money’s in the list!”

So you sign up for an email service provider like MailChimp or ConvertKit and you start to get peeps to subscribe to your list.

Now…what do you do with that valuable piece of information? Many of my clients come to me with a list but they don’t have a strategy setup to communicate with their subscribers. (Or they don’t have a list at all!)

Need some help with starting your first funnel? Grab this cheatsheet and get your first funnel going today!

Listen…I’m no saint here. I’m guilty of this…absolutely. When I was a wedding planner and then a coach for wedding planners, I emailed my list religiously. I blogged several times a week and I made sure to send a weekly newsletter to them with a link to the new post and other updates and info. (Gotta get back to those days!)

Today, with the popular surge in engaging with peeps through social media, its very easy to mistake THAT type of engagement with the MOST IMPORTANT engagement…the one with your list.

Don’t miss this. (That means me too!)

How you engage with and nurture the peeps on your list is the difference between life and death of your online marketing efforts. Don’t squander it.

Create a series of emails to get to know your subscribers. I call it a nurturing funnel…or a “getting to know you” funnel.

A funnel is often described as an automated set of emails that you send to a select group of subscriber’s on your email list.

Grab this cheatsheet for a nurturing funnel and go create yours today!

I’d love to help you with your funnel. Leave me a comment below and tell me about your product or service. I’ll give you some tips on what to offer your audience right here in the comments.