Mental toughness and the entrepreneur sounds like a woo-woo subject, doesn’t it? The tech stuff is easy for me. I can pull an all-nighter and stay up for most of the next day when working on a web project. (I’m not super-human…I just LOVE technology and all the creativity + innovation that goes with it!)

But when it comes to my mindset and doing what it takes to keep it tough and strong; I have to be constantly reminded to take time out to taking care of my most precious gift…my mind.

Being intentional about my personal development is a priority but I’m constantly looking for ways to make it fun. I also get caught up in unhealthy habits like comparing myself with others and doubting myself when I haven’t reached a particular milestone in my life or business yet. Everyone’s success DNA is different and everyone’s story takes a different path. I’ve had to learn to concentrate on my own story and the path I’m taking instead of someone else’s

In the book, “13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do:…” by Amy Moran, she states that, “comparing yourself with others is tempting. But every minute you spend comparing your life with someone else’s life is 60 seconds you aren’t focusing on your goals.

This book is worthy of its own poster on my wall!

Number 7, “They Don’t Fear Breaking the Rules”, should be my mantra because its always my first instinct to question routine in order to make it better.

What about you? Have you taken time to exercise your God-given genius on a regular basis? Go ahead…I dare you!