• Mental Toughness and The Entrepreneur

    Mental Toughness and The Entrepreneur

    Mental toughness and the entrepreneur sounds like a woo-woo subject, doesn’t it? The tech stuff is easy for me. I can pull an all-nighter and stay up for most of the next day when working on a web project. (I’m not super-human…I just LOVE technology and all the creativity + innovation that goes with it!) […]


  • There’s a Plugin for That!

    There's a Plugin for That

    WordPress Website functionality doesn’t have to cost you a grip of money. Most of the time you can add what you need for little to no money. I like to tell my client’s, “There’s a plugin for that”. The most important thing about a website is how it functions for your business model. If it […]


  • WordPress Plugins Uncoded

    WordPress Plugins Uncoded

    Just what is a plugin anyway? It’s a small program or piece of code that gets added onto your WordPress website to enhance its functionality. For instance… If you wanted to hide the title of your page or blog, you would have to create a special set of instructions or code to tell your website […]