Blogging for business is one of the number one ways to boost your visibility online. It can expose and transform your business from being lost in the endless world of the internet to being the go to place on the web.

Blogging is very similar to journaling. (OK, REALLY? It’s the same thing!)

Now you might be saying, “I’m not into journaling…I’m not a writer“, but listen…and hear me out. And please excuse the soapbox tone…

I didn’t consider myself a writer either. I used to struggle DAILY to write this stuff! But I was determined to learn how to blog for business because the people I want to serve need it. Time and time again, I’ve worked with new entrepreneurs who want to do business online but don’t have a list; they don’t have a relevant following for what they offer.

They’re constantly wondering why all the time they spend on social media isn’t netting them new clients. They fail to realize that people need to know who they are and what they offer in a way that resonates with THEM!

Personal or business, when you publish content online that is relevant, engaging and promoted properly; people with an interest in what you’re writing about will read and share it with others.

One of the bloggers I’ve recently begun following, Charell Star of ‘Not Just a Girl In a Dress’ fame, says that “Blogging is just one of the many platforms that entrepreneurs are using to amplify their voices and expertise and showcase their passions and the best bloggers are making serious money doing it.”


AND it’s cost effective. It involves a commitment of time but the cost to secure a website and blog these days is small.

My guess is that you know this…so what’s the problem? Why aren’t you blogging for business…especially if you’re trying to grow your business? My guess is you…

  • …don’t have time.
  • …feel you can’t write.
  • …don’t know what to write about.
  • …feel you don’t know how to write blog posts that your audience will read.
  • …can’t seem get people to read your blog.
  • …feel that even when visitors read your blog, none of them end up buying your product/service.

Sound familiar?

Because you’re reading this blog post, I’m sure you’ve heard yourself say these phrases before. And I know it’s a drag because I struggled with these same thoughts when I started my wedding planning business back in 2006.

Blogging for business had just started to become mainstream for online businesses in 2006 and there were hard and fast rules for when, how and what to blog about.

You had to be someone with credentials…and be able to prove it…if you wanted anyone to read your blog back then. If you tried to perpetrate, you were shamed, tarred and feathered in the “blog-o-sphere” and made to go into hiding with your tail between your legs!

Ok…maybe it wasn’t that bad but it definitely made me think twice about posting anything on my blog. (BPTSS – Blog Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome is real, ya’ll!)


If I did write a blog post, I wasn’t sure if what I wrote would resonate with my readers OR if it would get read at all. So at first, I didn’t write with any consistency.

But then I learned something…

For small business startups and entrepreneurs who want to do business online, writing and publishing blog posts consistently is a powerful way to market a business. #truth

Why? Think about it…

Why do people head straight to Google when they want to find the answer to a question they have? Or why is it that parents, when offering advice to their kids, say “Google it”?

There is a wealth of information on the internet even Siri depends on!

So why not put your wisdom, knowledge and expertise out there as well by blogging for business and then leverage it to increase awareness of your business and increase your revenue? Here’s a cool-tool to help you get started. This template will give you several writing prompts that will have you writing blog posts like a pro!

Now go write!